Using the GDS API

The TRISADirectory service, defined in the proto/trisa/gds protocol buffers, specifies how TRISA clients should interact with the directory service to facilitate peer-to-peer transfers.

This service includes four types of RPCs:

  • RPCs designed to support interactions with the Global Directory Service during a TRISA information transfer: Lookup and Search (Note: These are the primary Directory Service interactions.)
  • RPCs designed to support the Directory Service registration and verification processes: Register and VerifyContact
  • RPCs designed to supply the entity review and TRISA verification status of a given VASP: Verification
  • RPCs designed to enable routine health check and status requests: Status (Note: these mirror the TRISAHealth service)
service TRISADirectory {
    rpc Lookup(LookupRequest) returns (LookupReply) {}
    rpc Search(SearchRequest) returns (SearchReply) {}
    rpc Register(RegisterRequest) returns (RegisterReply) {}
    rpc VerifyContact(VerifyContactRequest) returns (VerifyContactReply) {}
    rpc Verification(VerificationRequest) returns (VerificationReply) {}
    rpc Status(HealthCheck) returns (ServiceState) {}


The Lookup RPC is designed to provide VASP certification information. Note that only verified VASPs are returned using the Lookup RPC.

This RPC expects a LookupRequest message, which provides either the VASP’s unique ID in the Global Directory Service, or the domain of their TRISA implementation endpoint (Note: this should be the common name of their certificate). If both id and common_name are supplied, the id field will be prioritized.

The registered_directory field is the URL of the directory that registered the VASP (e.g. either "" or ""). If omitted, this value defaults to the directory currently being queried.

message LookupRequest {
    string id = 1;
    string registered_directory = 2;
    string common_name = 3;

To use other name fields such as the legal business name, you must use the Search RPC.

A LookupRequest returns a LookupReply message, which contains summary information intended to facilitate peer-to-peer verification and public key exchange.

message LookupReply {
    // If no error is specified, the lookup was successful
    Error error = 1;

    // The uniquely identifying components of the VASP in the directory service
    string id = 2;
    string registered_directory = 3;
    string common_name = 4;

    // The endpoint to connect to for the TRISA P2P protocol (addr:port)
    string endpoint = 5;

    // Certificate information if the VASP is available and verified. The identity
    // certificate is used to establish mTLS connections, the signing certificate is
    // used on a per-transaction basis.
    trisa.gds.models.v1beta1.Certificate identity_certificate = 6;
    trisa.gds.models.v1beta1.Certificate signing_certificate = 7;

    // Other VASP information to facilitates P2P exchanges
    string name = 8;
    string country = 9;
    string verified_on = 10;

The Search RPC allows more flexible search to identify member VASPs. These requests are primarily used to locate a beneficiary VASP in order to begin the TRISA peer-to-peer protocol. Note that only verified VASPs are returned using the Search RPC.

The Search RPC expects a SearchRequest and returns a SearchReply. The SearchRequest message enables searching by (case insensitive) name and website (using OR logic). The name field can be the legal, short, or DBA name of the VASP. It could also be the common name of the certificate issued to that VASP, though in this case, it is recommended to use the Lookup RPC instead. The website must be a parseable URL.

The remaining fields are search filters on which to condition the search. Only VASPs in the specified country or category (both of which can be a single value or multiple values) will be returned.

message SearchRequest {
    repeated string name = 1;
    repeated string website = 2;
    repeated string country = 7;
    repeated trisa.gds.models.v1beta1.BusinessCategory business_category = 8;
    repeated string vasp_category = 9;

A SearchRequest returns a SearchReply message containing potentially multiple Result messages. Note: if no error is returned, the search was successful, even if no results were returned.

message SearchReply {
    message Result {
        // The uniquely identifying components of the VASP in the directory service
        string id = 1;
        string registered_directory = 2;
        string common_name = 3;

        // Address to connect to the remote VASP on to perform a TRISA request
        string endpoint = 4;

    Error error = 1;
    repeated Result results = 2;


The Verification RPC enables VASPs to check on the status of a VASP, including its verification status. If the queried TRISA directory service performs health check monitoring, this RPC will also perform a health check and return the service status.

The Verification RPC expects as input a VerificationRequest message, which provides either the VASP’s unique ID in the Global Directory Service, or the domain of their TRISA implementation endpoint (*Note: this should be the commone name of their certificate). If both id and common_name are supplied, the id field will be prioritized.

The registered_directory field is the URL of the directory that registered the VASP (e.g. either "" or ""). If omitted, this value defaults to the directory currently being queried.

message VerificationRequest {
    string id = 1;
    string registered_directory = 2;
    string common_name = 3;

While VerificationRequest expects the same parameters as the LookupRequest message described earlier in this page, a TRISA directory service may refuse to return all or part of the status request.

A VerificationRequest returns a VerificationReply message:

message VerificationReply {
    // Status information
    trisa.gds.models.v1beta1.VerificationState verification_status = 1;
    trisa.gds.models.v1beta1.ServiceState service_status = 2;
    string verified_on = 3;  // Should be an RFC 3339 Timestamp
    string first_listed = 4; // Should be an RFC 3339 Timestamp
    string last_updated = 5; // Should be an RFC 3339 Timestamp
    string revoked_on = 6; // Should be an RFC 3339 Timestamp


The Status RPC is designed to enable routine health checks to verify the health of the Directory Service.

This RPC expects a HealthCheck message and returns a ServiceState message. The system is obliged to respond with the closest matching status in a best-effort fashion. Alerts will be triggered on service status changes if the system does not respond and the previous system state was not UNKNOWN.:

message HealthCheck {
    // The number of failed health checks that proceeded the current check.
    uint32 attempts = 1;

    // The timestamp of the last health check, successful or otherwise.
    string last_checked_at = 2;

message ServiceState {
    enum Status {
        UNKNOWN = 0;
        HEALTHY = 1;
        UNHEALTHY = 2;
        DANGER = 3;
        OFFLINE = 4;
        MAINTENANCE = 5;

    // Current service status as defined by the receiving system.
    Status status = 1;

    // Suggest to the directory service when to check the health status again.
    string not_before = 2;
    string not_after = 3;

Programmatic Registration

Two of the TRISADirectory are designed to support programatic registration for third party service providers that would like to use the GDS to issue certs: Register and VerifyContact.


Registration requests submitted via the Register RPC are validated to ensure they contain correct information and then are sent through the verification process, creating or updating a VASP as needed.

The Register RPC expects a RegisterRequest message containing:

  1. The LegalPerson IVMS 101 entity to enable VASP KYC information exchange. This is the IVMS 101 data that should be exchanged in the TRISA P2P protocol as the Originator, Intermediate, or Beneficiary VASP fields. A complete and valid identity record with country of registration is required.
  2. Technical, legal, billing, and administrative contacts for the VASP.
  3. The Travel Rule implementation trisa_endpoint where other TRISA peers should connect. This should be an addr:port combination, (e.g.
  4. The VASP’s common_name, which should be the domain name to issue certificates for and should match the domain in the trisa_endpoint. If this field is omitted, the common_name is inferred from the trisa_endpoint.
  5. Business information including website, business_category, vasp_categories, and the company’s established_on date (in YYYY-MM-DD format).
  6. The VASP’s trixo questionnaire data. For more information, see the TRIXO documentation.
message RegisterRequest {
    ivms101.LegalPerson entity = 1;
    trisa.gds.models.v1beta1.Contacts contacts = 2;
    string trisa_endpoint = 3;
    string common_name = 4;
    string website = 5;
    trisa.gds.models.v1beta1.BusinessCategory business_category = 6;
    repeated string vasp_categories = 7;
    string established_on = 8;
    trisa.gds.models.v1beta1.TRIXOQuestionnaire trixo = 9;

A RegisterRequest returns a RegisterReply message containing verification metadata as well as a pkcs12password that must be used to decrypt the emailed certifications. For more information, see the PKCS12 password documentation. Do not lose or share this password!

message RegisterReply {
     // If the registration was successful, no error will be returned
    Error error = 1;

    // Unique identifiers for the VASP created by the registration.
    // Use these identifiers for status lookup requests and any follow-on interactions.
    string id = 2;
    string registered_directory = 3;
    string common_name = 4;

    // The verification status of the VASP entity.
    trisa.gds.models.v1beta1.VerificationState status = 5;
    string message = 6;

    // Used to decrypt the emailed certificates in PKCS12 format
    string pkcs12password = 7;


The VerifyContact RPC expects a VerifyContactRequest contains the VASP’s unique ID in the Directory Service. The RPC returns as VerifyContactReply with the verification status of the queried VASP.

message VerifyContactRequest {
    string id = 1;
    string token = 2;

message VerifyContactReply {
    // If no error is specified, the verification request was successful.
    Error error = 1;

    // The verification status of the VASP entity.
    trisa.gds.models.v1beta1.VerificationState status = 2;
    string message = 3;