User Interfaces
The GDS user interfaces that power our user and administrative web applications are built and deployed using React and webpack. Because webpack compiles the app into a bundle of HTML, JavaScript, and CSS – any configuration must be available at build time (e.g. when containers are compiled). This makes configuring our React apps and user interfaces slightly more complicated.
Right now, we use a continuous integration and deployment service to build our containers (e.g. GitHub Actions). During the container build process, environment variables are injected into the container via build args, which are in turn processed by the node build script. All environment variables and build args must be prefixed by REACT_APP_
Note that front-end applications should not have any secret configurations. There are, however, sensitive configurations (such as Google Analytics tags, Sentry DSNs, etc.). Any sensitive configurations should be stored securely (e.g. using GitHub Secrets).
The build arguments for the GDS User Interface ( are as follows:
EnvVar | Type | Default | Description |
REACT_APP_TRISA_BASE_URL | string | The base URL of the BFF API endpoint, e.g. | |
REACT_APP_VERSION_NUMBER | string | The semvar build version of the app (usually parsed from the git tag). | |
REACT_APP_GIT_REVISION | string | The seven-digit prefix of the git hash of the commit being built. | |
REACT_APP_ANALYTICS_ID | string | The Google Analytics tag (e.g. G-XXXXXXXXXX). | |
REACT_APP_SENTRY_DSN | string | The DSN for configuring React to send errors to Sentry. | |
REACT_APP_SENTRY_ENVIRONMENT | string | $NODE_ENV | The environment for Sentry logging (not required except for staging or development). |
The GDS User Interface uses Auth0 for authentication. Front-end Auth0 configuration is as follows:
EnvVar | Type | Default | Description |
REACT_APP_AUTH0_DOMAIN | string | The domain (or custom domain) to connect to Auth0 on (e.g. | |
REACT_APP_AUTH0_CLIENT_ID | string | The ClientID of the Auth0 app as configured in the Auth0 dashboard. | |
REACT_APP_AUTH0_REDIRECT_URI | string | The callback URI for the application to receive Auth0 redirects after authentication. | |
REACT_APP_AUTH0_SCOPE | string | The required Auth0 scope (usually ‘openid profile email’) | |
REACT_APP_AUTH0_AUDIENCE | string | The audience of the tokens, usually the ID of the API (e.g. |
GDS Admin UI
The build arguments for the GDS Admin UI ( and are as follows:
EnvVar | Type | Default | Description |
REACT_APP_GDS_API_ENDPOINT | string | The base URL of the Admin API endpoint, e.g. | |
REACT_APP_GDS_IS_TESTNET | bool | false | True if the Admin UI is managing the TestNet, false if MainNet. |
REACT_APP_VERSION_NUMBER | string | The semvar build version of the app (usually parsed from the git tag). | |
REACT_APP_GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID | string | The Google Client ID for Google OAuth2 authentication. | |
REACT_APP_GIT_REVISION | string | The seven-digit prefix of the git hash of the commit being built. | |
REACT_APP_ANALYTICS_ID | string | The Google Analytics tag (e.g. G-XXXXXXXXXX). | |
REACT_APP_SENTRY_DSN | string | The DSN for configuring React to send errors to Sentry. | |
REACT_APP_SENTRY_ENVIRONMENT | string | $NODE_ENV | The environment for Sentry logging (not required except for staging or development). |