TRISA Errors and Rejections

Error codes are standardized in the TRISA network to prevent confusion and allow easy identification of rejections or other problems to expedite the repair of the connection or information exchange. Then, the human-readable message stating the reason for the error should be loggable and actionable. Both standardized and unique/detail messages are acceptable. The message that caused the error should be retried with a fix, otherwise the rejection is permanent, and the request should not be retried. The payload of the additional data or reasons for the rejection, e.g., a parent error, a diff, a location for redirect, etc., should be described by the error code.

See the error protocol buffers for more details.

TRISA Errors Codes, Messages, and Descriptions

0UNHANDLEDDefault error - something very bad happened.
1UNAVAILABLEGeneric error - could not handle request, retry later.
1SERVICE_DOWN_TIMEGeneric error - could not handle request, retry later.
1BVRC002Generic error - could not handle request, retry later. (Alias: Sygna BVRC Rejected Type)
2MAINTENANCEThe service is currently in maintenance mode and cannot respond.
3UNIMPLEMENTEDThe RPC is not currently implemented by the TRISA node.
49INTERNAL_ERRORRequest could not be processed by recipient.
49BVRC999Request could not be processed by recipient. (Alias: Sygna BVRC Rejected Code)
50REJECTEDDefault rejection - no specified reason for rejecting the transaction.
51UNKNOWN_WALLET_ADDRESSVASP does not control the specified wallet address.
52UNKNOWN_IDENTITYVASP does not have KYC information for the specified wallet address.
52UNKOWN_IDENTITYVASP does not have KYC information for the specified wallet address. (Typo left for backwards compatibility.)
53UNKNOWN_ORIGINATORSpecifically, the Originator Account cannot be identified.
54UNKOWN_BENEFICIARYSpecifically, the Beneficiary account cannot be identified.
54BENEFICIARY_NAME_UNMATCHEDSpecifically, the Beneficiary account cannot be identified. (Alias: Sygna BVRC Rejected Type)
54BVRC007Specifically, the Beneficiary account cannot be identified. (Alias: Sygna BVRC Rejected Code)
60UNSUPPORTED_CURRENCYVASP cannot support the fiat currency or coin described in the transaction.
60BVRC001VASP cannot support the fiat currency or coin described in the transaction.(Alias: Sygna BVRC Rejected Code)
60UNSUPPORTED_NETWORKVASP cannot support the specified network (Alias: helpful if the chain is not a currency)
61EXCEEDED_TRADING_VOLUMENo longer able to receive more transaction inflows.
61BVRC003No longer able to receive more transaction inflows. (Alias: Sygna BVRC Rejected Code)
75UNSUPPORTED_ADDRESS_CONFIRMATIONVASP will not support the requested address confirmation mechanism.
76CANNOT_CONFIRM_CONTROL_OF_ADDRESSVASP cannot confirm they control the requested address, but doesn’t necessarily indicate that they do not control the address.
90COMPLIANCE_CHECK_FAILAn internal compliance check has failed or black listing has occurred.
90BVRC004An internal compliance check has failed or black listing has occurred. (Alias: Sygna BVRC Rejected Code)
91NO_COMPLIANCEVASP not able to implement travel rule compliance.
92HIGH_RISKVASP unwilling to conduct the transaction because of a risk assessment.
99OUT_OF_NETWORKWallet address or transaction is not available on this network.
100FORBIDDENDefault access denied - no specified reason for forbidding the transaction.
101NO_SIGNING_KEYCould not sign transaction because no signing key is available.
102CERTIFICATE_REVOKEDCould not sign transaction because keys have been revoked.
103UNVERIFIEDCould not verify certificates with any certificate authority.
104UNTRUSTEDA trusted connection could not be established.
105INVALID_SIGNATUREAn HMAC signature could not be verified.
106INVALID_KEYThe transaction bundle cannot be decrypted with the specified key.
107ENVELOPE_DECODE_FAILCould not decode or decrypt private transaction data. (Alias: Sygna BVRC Rejected Type)
107PRIVATE_INFO_DECODE_FAILCould not decode or decrypt private transaction data. (Alias: Sygna BVRC Rejected Code)
107BVRC005Could not decode or decrypt private transaction data.
108UNHANDLED_ALGORITHMThe algorithm specified by the encryption or signature is not implemented.
150BAD_REQUESTGeneric bad request - usually implies retry when request is fixed.
151UNPARSEABLE_IDENTITYCould not parse the identity record; specify the type in extra.
151PRIVATE_INFO_WRONG_FORMATCould not parse the identity record; specify the type in extra. (Alias: Sygna BVRC Rejected Type)
151BVRC006Could not parse the identity record; specify the type in extra. (Alias: Sygna BVRC Rejected Code)
152UNPARSEABLE_TRANSACTIONCould not parse the transaction data record; specify the type in extra.
153MISSING_FIELDSThere are missing required fields in the transaction data, a list of these fields is specified in extra.
154INCOMPLETE_IDENTITYThe identity record is not complete enough for compliance purposes of the receiving VASPs. Required fields or format specified in extra.
155VALIDATION_ERRORThere was an error validating a field in the transaction data (specified in extra).
198COMPLIANCE_PERIOD_EXCEEDEDSend by originating party if the review period has exceeded the required compliance timeline.
199CANCELEDCancel the ongoing TRISA exchange and do not send funds.
199CANCEL_TRANSACTIONCancel the ongoing TRISA exchange and do not send funds. (Alias: CANCELED)