TRP Client

TRISA provides an openvasp.Client to make communicating with counterparty VASPs simpler and ensure that the TRP protocol is being completed successfully. To create a client:

client := openvasp.NewClient()

Client options such as mTLS configuration are coming soon!


To send a Travel Rule inquiry, use the client.Inquiry() method.

The client parses the routing for the Inquiry using the Inquiry.TRP field; at the very least, the Address and RequestIdentifier fields must be specified:

type TRPInfo struct {
	Address           string   // Address can be a Travel Rule Address, LNURL, or URL
	APIVersion        string   // Defaults to the APIVersion of the package
	RequestIdentifier string   // A unique identifier representing the specific transfer
	APIExtensions     []string // The names of any extensions uses in the request

The APIVersion field is automatically populated with the default version, and any extensions are populated from the Inquiry itself, so these can be ignored.

The Address field can be one of:

Note that the TRISA library has packages for creating and parsing LNURLs and Travel Addresses so that you do not have to import additional dependencies for your code.

The client returns a TravelRuleResponse, which you can use as though it were a regular http.Response object, including use cases like checking the http.StatusCode. However, you can also parse the InquiryResolution response as follows:

func main() {
    client := openvasp.NewClient()

    inquiry := &openvasp.Inquiry{
        TRP: &openvasp.TRP{
            Address: "ta2W2HPKfHxgSgrzY178knqXHg1H3jfeQrwQ9JrKBs9wv",
            RequestIdentifier: "129f6013-9125-4beb-9e86-bb20c440e164"
        Asset: &openvasp.Asset{},
        Amount: 0.001,
        Callback: "",
        IVMS101: &ivms101.IdentityPayload{},

    rep, err := client.Inquiry(inquiry)
    if err != nil {

    if rep.StatusCode == http.StatusOK {
        resolution, err := rep.InquiryResolution()
        if err != nil {


    } else {



To send a Transfer Confirmation, use the client.Confirmation() method.

The client parses the routing for the Confirmation using the Confirmation.TRP field; at the very least, the Address and RequestIdentifier fields must be specified:

type TRPInfo struct {
	Address           string   // Address can be a Travel Rule Address, LNURL, or URL
	APIVersion        string   // Defaults to the APIVersion of the package
	RequestIdentifier string   // A unique identifier representing the specific transfer
	APIExtensions     []string // The names of any extensions uses in the request

The APIVersion field is automatically populated with the default version, and any extensions are populated from the Confirmation itself, so these can be ignored.

The client returns a TravelRuleResponse however, a simple 204 No Content response is expected for a confirmation, so there is no JSON body to parse.

func main() {
    client := openvasp.NewClient()

    confirm := &openvasp.Confirmation{
        TRP: &openvasp.TRP{
            Address: "",
            RequestIdentifier: "129f6013-9125-4beb-9e86-bb20c440e164",
        Canceled: "the transaction could not be completed",

    rep, err := client.Confirmation(inquiry)
    if err != nil {

    if rep.StatusCode == http.StatusNoContent {
    } else {