Envoy Workflows

A brief summary of a travel rule compliance exchange with Envoy is as follows:

  1. The originating VASP identifies a counterparty either via a Travel Address (TRP) or by using the counterparties list (TRISA).
  2. Optionally, an address confirmation message is sent to the counterparty to confirm the counterparty controls the specified wallet address.
  3. The originating VASP creates a transaction then sends a secure envelope to the counterparty via TRISA or TRP (or email) so that they can review it.
  4. The counterparty VASP reviews the information then accepts it if it meets their compliance requirements or rejects it if it doesn’t.
  5. If accepted, the originating VASP completes the on-chain transaction, then sends a completion message back to the counterparty with the transaction ID.

There are four basic workflows:

  • Accepted and Completed
  • Repairs Requested
  • Rejected and/or Canceled

Accepted and Completed

    participant Oc as Originator User
    participant O as Originator Envoy
    participant B as Beneficiary Envoy
    participant Bc as Beneficiary User

    rect rgb(236, 250, 220)
        note over Oc,Bc: Travel Rule Information Exchange Started
        Oc ->> O: Transaction Draft
        O ->> B: envelope started
        B ->> O: envelope pending
        O ->> Oc: Transaction Pending
        B ->> Bc: Transaction Review

        Bc ->> Bc: KYC and Sanctions Checks

    rect rgb(27, 206, 159 )
        note over Oc,Bc: Accept IVMS101 with or without Modifications
        Bc ->> B: Accept Transaction
        B ->> O: envelope accepted
        O ->> B: echo envelope accepted
        B ->> Bc: Transaction Accepted
        O ->> Oc: Transaction Accepted

        Oc ->> Oc: Perform on chain transaction

    rect rgb(236, 250, 220)
        note over Oc,Bc: Complete the On-Chain Transaction
        Oc ->> O: Complete Transaction
        O ->> B: envelope completed
        B ->> O: echo envelope completed
        O ->> Oc: Transaction Completed
        B ->> Bc: Transaction Completed

Repairs Requested

    participant Oc as Originator User
    participant O as Originator Envoy
    participant B as Beneficiary Envoy
    participant Bc as Beneficiary User

    rect rgb(236, 250, 220)
        note over Oc,Bc: Travel Rule Information Exchange Started
        Oc ->> O: Transaction Draft
        O ->> B: envelope started
        B ->> O: envelope pending
        O ->> Oc: Transaction Pending
        B ->> Bc: Transaction Review

        Bc ->> Bc: KYC and Sanctions Checks

    rect rgb(240,186,200)
        note over Oc,Bc: Originator did not Provide Sufficient Information for Jursidiction
        Bc ->> B: Reject with retry
        B ->> O: envelope repair
        O ->> B: envelope pending
        B ->> Bc: Transaction Pending
        O ->> Oc: Transaction Repair

        Oc ->> Oc: Required KYC and Repair

    rect rgb(236, 250, 220)
        note over Oc,Bc: Originator Repairs Payload with Requested Information
        Oc ->> O: Transaction Repaired
        O ->> B: envelope review
        B ->> O: envelope pending
        O ->> Oc: Transaction Pending
        B ->> Bc: Transaction Review

        Bc->> Bc: Validate fixes meet requirements

    rect rgb(27, 206, 159 )
        note over Oc,Bc: Repair now meets Jurisdictional Requirements
        Bc ->> B: Accept Transaction
        B ->> O: envelope accepted
        O ->> B: echo envelope accepted
        B ->> Bc: Transaction Accepted
        O ->> Oc: Transaction Accepted

        Oc ->> Oc: Perform on chain transaction

    rect rgb(236, 250, 220)
        note over Oc,Bc: Complete the On-Chain Transaction
        Oc ->> O: Complete Transaction
        O ->> B: envelope ompleted
        B ->> O: echo envelope completed
        O ->> Oc: Transaction Completed
        B ->> Bc: Transaction Completed

Transaction Rejected and/or Canceled

    participant Oc as Originator User
    participant O as Originator Envoy
    participant B as Beneficiary Envoy
    participant Bc as Beneficiary User

    rect rgb(236, 250, 220)
        note over Oc,Bc: Travel Rule Information Exchange Started
        Oc ->> O: Transaction Draft
        O ->> B: envelope started
        B ->> O: envelope pending
        O ->> Oc: Transaction Pending
        B ->> Bc: Transaction Review

        Bc ->> Bc: KYC and Sanctions Checks

    rect rgb(240,186,200)
        note over Oc,Bc: The On-Chain Transaction is not Possible after Compliance Checks
        Bc ->> B: Reject Transaction (no retry/repair)
        B ->> O: envelope reject
        O ->> B: echo envelope reject
        B ->> Bc: Transaction Rejected
        O ->> Oc: Transaction Rejected

        Oc ->> Oc: Stop on chain transaction

Transaction States and Actions

A transaction may be in one of the following states:

UnspecifiedThe transfer state is unknown or purposefully not specified (zero value)
DraftThe transaction has been created but no secure envelopes have been sent yet
PendingAwaiting a response from the counterparty
ReviewRequires review by a compliance officer and some action taken
RepairAn error has been sent back from the counterparty requesting a change
AcceptedThe TRISA exchange has been accepted by the counterparty; awaiting the on-chain transaction
CompletedThe TRISA exchange and the on-chain transaction have been completed
RejectedThe TRISA exchange is rejected and no on-chain transaction should proceed
CanceledThe TRISA exchange is canceled before it was completed

When a transaction is in one of the following states, a compliance officer or auto review policy must take one of the following actions:

  • Draft: Start an information exchange by sending a secure envelope to the counterparty. This will cause the transaction to move to the Pending state.
  • Pending: When awaiting a response from the counterparty, the only action that can be taken is to cancel the information exchange, sending a Rejection envelope with the CANCELED code to the reviewing counterparty.
  • Review: Either accept or reject the transaction, triggering a message to be sent to the counterparty with the decision. If the transaction is accpeted it will move to the Accepted state; if the rejection reqires a repair (retry) then it moves into the Pending state, otherwise it moves into the Rejected state.
  • Repair: Repair the issue and send a new secure envelope to the counterparty so that they can either accept or reject it. Alternatively if the requested information is not available, reject the requested changes.
  • Accepted: Complete the transaction by sending the on-chain transaction ID to the counterparty so they can identify the transaction record.
  • Completed: At this point the transaction is complete, so you can archive the transaction to long term storage without viewing it in the dashboard or API calls.
  • Rejected: The transaction is also complete in a rejected state, so you can archive the transaction to long term storage.
  • Canceled: Similar to Completed and Rejected, this is a final state, so the only action you might have is to archive the transaction to long term storage.

A summary of the actions that can be taken are below:

ActionIn Status(es)Description
SendDraftSend a TRISA exchange message to the counterparty initiating the travel rule Transfer.
AcceptReviewAccept the state of the TRISA exchange as having enough required compliance information for the on-chain transaction to continue.
RejectReview, RepairRequire the counterparty to include more information for the TRISA exchange or stop the on-chain transaction.
RepairRepairFix any deficiencies required by the counterparty and send a new message for review.
CompleteAcceptedOnce accepted, send the on-chain transaction ID and transaction details to the counterparty.
ArchiveCompletedArchive the completed transaction for the specified compliance period.
CancelPendingSend a message to the counterparty stopping the review process. Technically this can be sent at any time, but is most relevant when waiting for review.